Skincare must-dos for winter season

1. Cleansing

Cleaning is important in winter season.  Without proper cleaning and hydration, skin tends to be rougher in winter.  Whether or not you wear make-up, you should clean your face every morning and evening.  Choose a weak acid facial soap or cleanser.  Message your face gently with small upward circles.  To further soften rough keratinocytes layer, you can add a small amount of

2. “5 seconds" rule

After washing the face, you should follow up with moisturizers within 5 seconds while the skin is still damp.  Damp skin allows the active ingredients in your moisturizers to be absorbed more easily.  Liquid also penetrates though the outer layer of the damp skin more easily allowing the skin to be better hydrated.

3. Message water “into” your skin water

When apply moisturizer, make sure to message the skin gently and systematically.  Always use upward stroke or outward circles with your middle and ring fingers.  Try not to pull the skin when messaging.  Proper message helps to promote skin circulate, skin metabolism, and moisturizer absorption.

4.  Overlap mask applications

In winter season, because of the exceptionally dry condition, you can overlap mask applications.  For example, after using a cleaning mask (usually clay based mask), you might want to add a moisturizing mask (gel mask or paper mask).  The simplest moisturizer step is a paper mask soak with moisturizing and nourishing solution.  You can also use mask selectively.  For example, on the T-zone, use a clay-based mask to control blackheads and dry out potential pimples.  On other parts of your face, use a gel based moisturizing mask.  You can even use a separate eye mask around your face.   The bottom line is--be creative, listen to the need of your skin, and act accordingly.

5. Proper exfoliation

Exfoliation is necessary to promote healthy metabolism of skin.  However, in winter season, exfoliating should not be too frequent.  For oily skin, once every two weeks is good enough.  If you have dry skin, avoid scrubbing more than once a month. 

6. Oil replenishment

During winter dry season, maintaining a property balance of water and oil balance is essential for often dehydrated skin.  Moisturizing oil not only nourishes and softens the skin but also promotes the retention of the water in the skin.   Look for facial oils and serums including plant extracts and essential oils.

7. Balanced nutrition

Skin needs nutrients to stay health.  Imbalanced nutrition intake will cause skin problems.  Dry winter season can easily lead to rough skin and chapped lips. To help promote skin’s innate moisture retention ability, eat foods rich in vitamin A and fibers, such as milk, eggs, apples, bananas and pears. Balance diet helps accelerate the metabolism of the skin leading to more delicate and smooth skin.
Thanks for reading.
