Skincare inspiration from US Patent No 4,569,839 –recipes hair treatment masks

Today, let’s continue with the recipes provided by the patent.

Hair shine mask: Mix the flower of mallow 14 grams and Turnsol oil 8 grams with sufficient amount of water to make a total 100 grams of mixture.  Pulverize the mixture with a blender.  This product has the appearance of a cream and can be applied to clean hair. After 15 minutes of contact, rinse the air. The recipe makes the hair soft and shiny.

Hair shine conditioner: Mix the flowers of barbary fig14 grams with Turnsol oil 36 grams. Add sufficient amount of water to bring the total mixture to 100 grams.  Pulverize the mixture with a blender.  This product has the appearance of a cream and can be applied to wet hair.  After 20 minutes, rinse hair and then shampoo as usual. The hair thus treated is soft and shiny.

Hair shine conditioner: Mix the flowers of acacia 40 grams with Turnsol oil 60 grams to make a total of 100 grams of mixture.  Pulverize the mixture with a blender.  This composition has the appearance of a cream is applied to the hair.  After 20 minutes, rinse the hair and shampoo as usual. The hair thus treated is firm and shiny.

Hair softening conditioner: Mix the flowers of mallow 17 grams and Glycerin 40 grams.  Add water to bring the total mixture to 100 grams.  Pulverize the mixture with a blender.  This composition when applied to clean hair and rinsed after of 20 minutes, imparts much softness to the hair.

Thanks for reading.


