Why do we age— the free radical theory of aging

Human age—this fundamental rule of life is for the sake of species survival and no—no one can stop it.  Yes—we all know this at an abstract level.  However, when it comes down to the individual level, none of us wants to age.   For me personally, it’s really just about feeling great and looking great for as long as I can so I don’t have to face the reality of aging.   To slow down the aging process, we need to understand the process first.  Unfortunately, there isn’t one slam-dunk theory capturing the “truth” of aging.  There are many scientific theories.   In the next few posts, I will discuss each theory.  Today, it’s about the free radical theory of aging—the most popular of them all.

The free radical theory of aging:  Free radicals, or Reactive Oxygen Species (ROD), are the toxic byproducts of normal cell metabolism in an oxygen-rich world, which is a world we are living in.  Natural substances within cells such as antioxidants can clean up and neutralize the dangerous free radicals.  Those free radicals that escape the cleanup damage DNA, proteins and mitochondria (organelles within cells that produce energy).  The resulting damage, which is called oxidative damage, accumulates over time, leading to genome instability, and is considered the primary cause of the aging process. 

As indicated above, this is the most popular theory of aging.  I do believe that oxidative damage is one of the most important aspects of the aging even though I do not believe that it is the only one.  Many skincare and anti-aging products are developed based on this theory.  Check out a drug store shelf—I guarantee that you will find tons of products with the word “antioxidant” in the product description.  The common antioxidants in skincare products are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Q10, and various phyto-antioxidants such as flavonoids, flavones, and polyphenols.  All are effective with enough dosage and with regular applications.  For the homemade skincare recipes with antioxidants, please check out my previous posts—there are many!

To counter oxidative damage caused aging, do load up antioxidants in your daily diet.  Many fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants—because antioxidants are the plants’ natural defense against the oxidative damage to them.  You can also use supplements.  For me, it’s the green tea—love the taste and of course the result.

Thanks for reading!

