A little about Cherruby

Cherruby is a blog space where I will discuss my experiences, thoughts, and suggestions on skincare. I will share my basic philosophy on skincare. I will provide recipes, formulations, and troubleshooting solutions that I have tried out in my own skincare regime. I will comment on common preservatives and ingredients used in skincare products. Once in the while, I will share news, new scientific findings, and regulation changes on skincare products as well as in cosmetic industries. I will also share thoughts or changes in my own skincare routine based on the new scientific findings.

I am not a naturalist. I don't go "all natural" in my skincare routine. I am a scientist in heart. I believe that advances in cosmoceutical and dermatological industries happen for a reason. I believe in modern skin care science and intend to fully enjoy the fruits of researches and progresses.

However, skin care science differs from skin care products. Unnecessary ingredients are often added to consumer products for marketing purpose or for the sake of consumers' or sellers' convenience, not for the sake of skin care. I want to be able to filter those ingredients out.
I am here as a woman who wants to take care of her skin in a sensible way and as a mother who wants to take care of her child as responsible as she can. Here, I am not a medical expert, a legal advisor, nor a scientific consultant. In Cherruby, I am just another consumer who wants to inform and to be informed.

Let’s discuss, explore, and grow wiser together.

Thanks for reading!

Connie@ www.cherruby.com
