Systematic skincare vs symptomatic skincare

We all have this experience: acnes pop up everywhere right before a tight deadline; dark spots become darker after a few sleepless nights; and wrinkles around eyes suddenly deepen during the rush for a big project. Your skincare routine did not change—how could this happen? That is because our skin is part of our body. When your system is under stress, your skin will tell. The stress and anxiety depress body’s immune system and wrack havoc to body’s hormonal balance, leading to a skin prone to infection, poorly nourished, and less able to retain moisture.

I recognize that, for many of us, dealing with deadlines is just part of the life and a stress-free life is simply a wishful thinking (that is, at least, for me). So, what’s the point? Let me explain.
When I look at myself in a mirror, I focus on every blemish on my skin—acne on my chin, a dark spot at the corn of my left eye and oversized pores on my nose. I observe my skin under a magnifier and, as a result, become obsessive with these blemishes. I am basically adding anxiety to my already stressful life. And you know what’s next—the over-handling usually makes the matter worse.
Ever since I realize that my skin simply is telling me the condition of the system, I treat those blemishes as reminders to tune the system—acne reminds me to eat less meat and more veggie; a darkspot reminds me to drink more water and breath deeply; and the wrinkles around my eyes reminds me to exercise. I am less stressed about my skin problems and more proactive in improving my lifestyle, which leads to faster clearing of the skin problems.
Acne and blemishes come and go. I know that wrinkles eventually will stay. However, building a healthy system will support a health and beautiful skin at any age.

Thanks for reading!

Connie @
