Intensive AHA treatment: Cherruby Aspirin Facial Mask

Aspirin, salicylic acid, is one of the most common alpha-hydroxyl acids used for skincare purpose.  The compound has the ability to dissolve away the dead surface skin layer promoting skin renewal and regeneration.  The compound is very effective in treating acne prone skin.  However, Aspirin can also cause skin sensitive and therefore this receipt should not be used more than once a week. 

Here is how to make an aspirin facial mask:

Ground 5 aspirin tablets into the powder, add around half tablespoon of water. stir.  Aspirin is very hydrophilic, the medicine should go into water solution easily.  However, you will not have a transparent solution because the fillers in the tablet, such as starch, will not completely dissolve into water.   Then, add one egg white into the solution.  You can also replace egg white with agar powder or gelatin powder, in which case you should add more water.  Stir the mixture together until you have a consistent sticky paste.  If you use agar or gelatin powder, you might want to microwave the mixture for a few seconds to help the agar or gelatin powder to dissolve.

Spread the sticky paste onto your surface.  You might feel a little sting because of the acidic property of Aspirin. Wash off after 15 minutes.

I have used this aspirin mask for a long time.  It is very effective in keeping skin smooth and dark-spot free.  I use it once a week, and generally followed this mask with a soothing mask made of a mixture of algae gel and aloe Vera gel, sometimes, if my skin is especially dry,I will add a few drops of jojoba, avocado, or even olive oil. 

Thanks for reading.
