A recently article published on June 19, 2012 in Science Daily discussed the sequence of applying skincare products and how the sequence affects the effectiveness of the product. Here is the link to the full article titled “Get the Most from Your Skin Care Products: Sequence in Which You Apply Skin Care Products Influences Their Effectiveness” (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/06/120619092927.htm).
According to the article, if you use medications or treatment for certain skin conditions, you should apply medications or treatments directly after washing your face. The practice ensures that the medications or treatments are properly absorbed by the skin. To maximize the effectiveness of skin care products, the article recommends the following skincare regime:
1. Wash your face. At night before bedtime, you should wash your face thoroughly with a good facial cleaner that fits your skin condition. Message your face in small upstroke round circles. Then rinse off the cleaner with warm water. Unless you have exceptional oily or acne-prone skin, I would recommend skipping facial cleaner and using warm water rinse only in the morning. Always end your cleaning session with a splash of cold water. Pat dry.
2. Apply a skin toner. This step is not mentioned in the article. However, I would recommend you always use a good toner. In my previous post, I provided many flower water based toner recipes. Soak a cotton pad with your toner and wipe your face gently using upward stroke. Toner helps to remove residue cleaner. Humectants in toner helps to keep skin moisturized, which is essential for maintaining skin’s absorption ability.
3. Apply medication or treatment. Applying medication or other treatment on your skin right after proper cleansing ensures proper absorption of the medication.
4. Apply moisturizer and/or sunscreen. Don’t try to spread the moisturizer or sunscreen with your fingers. Dot the moisturizer at multiple spots on your face and pat around your face to spread the moisturizer even over the face.
5. Apply makeup, if desired.
The article further suggests that using several products at the same time for skincare may not only negate the benefits of each product but also irritate the skin. For example, using too many products may cause redness, stinging and dryness of the skin, especially if an anti-aging product is included. The signs of aging may then be more noticeable.
Here is my suggestion. Treating skincare the same way you would treat a health condition. If you have high blood pressure, you won’t keep switching around your medications, right? Same with the skincare, any active ingredient that you would apply to your skin, you need right concentration and enough time for the ingredient to take effect. So, stick with a few proven ingredients for a period of time, I promise you—you would see the effect on your skin.
Thanks for reading.
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